作者: 发布时间:2018-07-26 阅读次数:201
未来其实并不遥远:今天初出茅庐的“95后”,已经开始面临同AI的竞争 。那么,“00后”群体未来又将面临什么呢?
在今天的领导力课程中,导师们为同学们介绍了作为一位卓越的领导必备的一向技能——公众演讲(Pubic Speaking)。
在今天的学习之后,同学们将两人一组进入实战演练,筹备进入国际部的第一次“Public Speaking”。在确定选题之后,每个小组进入了紧张的排练,他们都敢于尝试。即便是第一次,每一位小伙伴都展现出了不同的风格 。
I want to be a leader,who has the ability to lead a group to acquire good results and make the group happy at the same time. I want to lead my team and tap their full potential.I am willing to communicate with members and enjoy the atmosphere. I would be compedent so that people would follow me. I would also communicate with people a lot and build a sense of trust within the group.
I would like to tell my team to be aggressive and encourage them to seize the opportunity to be successful.
I think leadership is important because if a team doesn’t have a leader, then how can we call it a team? .It is the leader that puts the things in order.
In my opinion, courage and competence are two essential things to improve the efficiency of the workforce. I hope my team have these two things and embrace their success.
I want to charge the workforce so that I could have a workforce who would exceed my exceptions. I would give them more power and offer a high bonus for great success.