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Chinese compatriots provide free masks for Bush leadership students at American airports

Author: AddTime:2020-06-17  Hits:1

As 24:00 on January 21st, the National Health Commission has received a total of 440 new coronavirus infection cases and 9 deaths reported from 13 provinces, regions and cities in China. The development of the domestic epidemic affected the hearts of teachers and students from the International Department of Suzhou No.1 High School of Jiangsu Province who went to the United States to participate in the "Bush leadership" tour.


The coronavirus was confirmed by Disease Prevention and Notification Center in Washington, USA on January 21st. This is the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the United States. At the time of the news, Leader teacher Katniss and all the students were already at George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Although Washington state is not a short distance from Houston, Katniss still dare not take it lightly. She quickly called the students to count the number of people without masks. "Teacher, I have!" Several students took out masks they had brought from home and bought when shopping in the United States to other students.


When Katniss handed her mask to a classmate, she asked again, "who else does not have a mask?" Several of the students in the team still raised their hands. "I have. Give it to the children. This time I just brought a batch of them back home." At this time, a Chinese man standing in the back of the students said in Chinese. Then he took out a pack of masks from his carry on luggage and handed them to Katniss.


"Thank you!" "Thank you sir!" Katniss and students expressed their sincere gratitude to this gentle Chinese man.


"You're welcome, we are all Chinese!" The Chinese man said with a smile and a wave.


Due to the hurry of the trip, Katniss did not ask the name and occupation of the Chinese man at that time, but at the critical moment, the spirit and action of the Chinese people all over the world to fight against the epidemic infected everyone present.


Here, we pay tribute to all the workers fighting at the front line of the epidemic!

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